Geometry Processing

Research on the foundational themes of Computer graphis like quad meshing, texture parametrization, Hexahedral Meshing, etc. has been always one of the basic line of our lab.

Our activity on Geometry Processing includes methodologies for shape analysis and characterization, mesh parametrization and its applications. First, we aim to apply such techniques for re-meshing, compression and visualization.

This research activity has been the driving force for many contributions in other research lines like digital fabrication, digital heritage, providing tools for efficient geometric modeling, physical simulation, numerical optimization and shape analysis. The results of this research have been published in several papers in top-tier conferences and journals in the field of Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (ACM Transactions on Graphics, SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia, Eurographics, etc.).

Relevant expertise in digital fabrication has been exploited in the context of several research projects, including Italian Government PRIN DSurf, EU Horizon 2020 ITN Evocation, and EU Horizon 2020 EMOTIVE.

Below some of the latest papers on this subject are listed.