FreeGrid: a benchmark on design and optimisation of free-edge gridshells


FreeGrid is meant to offer a common benchmark to test and compare different approaches to the design and optimization of steel gridshells, from man-based heuristic design to AI-based one. FreeGrid sets three design baseline problems: a barrel vault, a paraboloidal dome, and a hyperbolic paraboloid, having their spring line partially not constrained (free-edge) and subjected to symmetric and asymmetric load conditions. Participants are called to modify the baseline gridshell(s) in order to improve their structural performances, buildability, and sustainability, all three of them weighted in a single, bulk quantitative performance metric. Participants shall comply with a limited number of design constraints, while any other design solution is allowed. Baseline setups, performance metrics and design constraints will be fully detailed in technical specifications made publicly available. The full data of the baseline structures will be offered to participants according to an Open Data policy, together with postprocessing utilities intended to align the procedure to obtain the performance metrics. The FreeGrid benchmark will be launched within the IASS Symposium 2023 in Melbourne.

Paolo Cignoni
Paolo Cignoni
Research Director
Francesco Laccone
Francesco Laccone

Architectural Geometry