Dynamic Shading Enhancement for Reflectance Transformation Imaging


We propose a set of dynamic shading enhancement techniques for improving the perception of details, features, and overall shape characteristics from images created with Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) techniques. Selection of these perceptual enhancement filters can significantly improve the user’s ability to interactively inspect the content of 2D RTI media by zooming, panning, and changing the illumination direction. In particular, we present two groups of strategies for RTI image enhancement based on two main ideas: exploiting the unsharp masking methodology in the RTI-specific context; and locally optimizing the incident light direction for improved RTI image sharpness and illumination of surface features. The Result section will present a number of datasets and compare them with existing techniques.

Gianpaolo Palma
Gianpaolo Palma
Massimiliano Corsini
Massimiliano Corsini
Senior Researcher

Digital Technologies for Cultural Heritage

Paolo Cignoni
Paolo Cignoni
Research Director