Francesco Laccone

Francesco Laccone



I am fixed-term Researcher at the ISTI - CNR in Pisa. My research focuses on Architectural Geometry, which is an interdisciplinary topic that aims to design, model, optimize, and manufacture complex free-form architectures through the tight collaboration and the synergy of several disciplines, such as differential geometry, algorithmic mathematics, computer graphics, engineering and industrial practice. I am also Adjunct Professor at the University of Pisa.

  • Architectural geometry
  • Structural engineering
  • Computational design
  • Structural optimization
  • Digital fabrication
  • PhD in Structural Engineering cum Laude (Tecnica delle Costruzioni ICAR/09), 2019

    University of Pisa

  • Master Degree in Civil Engineering cum Laude, 2014

    University of Pisa
